Author Archives: Joan Keller

About Joan Keller

Oldest child of Sonja Anderson 1/6.

NOTICE: Water Issue at the Cougar Ranch

Family and Stockholders…
Due to an issue with the water entering the Cougar Ranch property, ALL water to the Cougar Ranch had to be turned off until further notice. So if your plans for this upcoming week or so include going to the Cougar Ranch please be advised that the running water is off at the toilets and all the hydrants as well, and make plans accordingly. The issue is being addressed as quickly as possible and the hope is that the water will be back up and running by this weekend. However, as the poet Robert Burns so aptly recorded, and we all have experienced, “the best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men, oft go awry.”
We will keep you updated as the issue is resolved. Any questions feel free to reach out to me at my email or via call or text., 702-818-0782
Clint Anderson

Clinton M Anderson PA-C, MT(ASCP)


This issue is still ongoing.

Dear Family and Shareholders

  Unfortunately the water issue remains unresolved at this time.  The issues are being addressed as soon as possible and we apologize for the inconvenience.  The bathrooms remain functional with manual flushing with water brought from the creek or from the Junction city park.  Drinking water, as usual, should be brought in as the water at the Cougar Ranch is not potable.  We hope to have this issue resolved as soon as possible.  Thanks for your understanding.  Any questions, please feel free to reach out.  My contact info is listed below.  Thanks!!  —

Clinton M Anderson 


Family Reunion Assignments coming up

2024: Kent & Betty family
2025: Randy family
2026: JaNel & Sara family
2027: Robert & Alcea family
2028: Sonja & Vernon family

Is this what is understood by the families? I recall JaNel and Robert families trading a year but not sure if that was permanent or not. Let me know if I have it mixed up. jbk

2024 ACR summer reservations – so far

See ACR calendar for further details.
June 1: Clean up day – 30 volunteers needed: wood removal and clean cabins – Clinton @ 702-818-0782
Jun 7-9: Elena Buhler, all cabins
Jun 11-15: Stephen Bay, all cabins
Jun 21-23: Shaylee Bailey, all cabins
Jun 26-30: Mindy Merrill, all cabins
Jul 3-7: Angie Hansen, all cabins
Jul 10-14: available weekend Wed-Sun
Jul 17-21: available weekend Wed-Sun
Aug 1-4: Anderson Reunion: Kent/Betty families all cabins
Aug 5-7: Jan Davis: Pavilion and Bay Cabins
Aug 14-18: available weekend Wed-Sun
Aug 21-25: available weekend Wed-Sun
Aug 29-Sep 1: Savannah Bailey: all cabins
Oct-Dec 2024: ACR winterized: Randy family
2025 Reunion is: Randy Family

2024 Anderson Family Reunion

Hello family!

The reunion is right around the corner. Andy and Betty’s families are in charge this year so it will be GREAT!
We would like to get a tentative count of who is planning on attending, who thinks they will make it, and those who will not be able to join in the fun this year.
Please respond to this email by Friday, May 10 with your reply and the number of family you will bring with you!

We really appreciate your attention to help us make plans for this event.

🥇 Yes, we are planning on coming with ____ (#) family with us.
🥈 Maybe, we will let you know by July 10 if we can make it with ___ (#) family with us.
🥉 Nope, so sorry we cannot join in the fun and celebration this year.

Thanks so much for your prompt response. We really appreciate it.
Kent family
Betty family

SHAREHOLDERS: remember this will be our Shareholder meeting date also.
Please forward this email to any kids and gkids or ggkids not on my list or send me their email addresses please. jbk

New Water Heater Instructions

A new water heater was installed by ORA family.


1. Need to bring your own 5 gal propane tank.
2. Hook the propane tank up under bathrooms near the water turn on. Turn on propane valve.
3. Go to generator shed. Plug in generator. Turn on generator.
4. Then water heater is on.
5. Heater Temperature: You must regulate the temperature of the water heater directly on the water
heater. You cannot turn the valves in the shower or washer to mix hot/cold to get the temperature you
want. Turn the knob on the heater for heat temperature you desire. Do not mix hot and cold. Just turn
up or down on water heater to get to the temperature you want. Also, flushing toilet or sink will cause
loss of heat and pressure for a minute or so.

Thanks all. It you have questions contact Robert or Clint.

Note from Robert:
        First of all, there is no electricity from the generator needed.
The heater is totally self contained.  It will need 2 d-cell batteries
(which I have for this year) and they should last the whole year long.  When
the water is turned on, the gas heater ignites using the d-cell batteries
and heats the water as it runs through the coils. 
        Second of all, the water that comes in seems to be very cold up
there, so the hottest I could get it with all of the problems I had with our
water pressure last year was about 104 degrees. If it does
get too hot, you can add cold water at the local tap just like at home.
Adjusting either the flow of the water or the temperature at the heating
unit, while it can be done, will probably not work well. 

Hope this makes things more straight forward and I will be glad to
demonstrate or etc. in the spring.

Have a great day,

2023 Family Reunion Reassignments

As discussed at the last family reunion; we have re-assigned the reunion family assignments so it is easier for all to patriciate.

Family Reunion re-assignments are as follows:
2023: Sonja/Vernon families
2024: Kent/Betty family
2025: Janel family
2026: Randy family
2027: Robert/Alcea family

2023 Spring Clean up day – Saturday, May 27 and Saturday, September 2

What better way to keep up our property than to do it together! We have arranged 2 clean up days this summer. Please plan to attend one with us. Contact your supervisors and let them know you are coming so we can plan for all.
BOARD SUPERVISORS this year are:
SUPERVISORS: Clint and Craig on May 27
Brandon on September 2
MAY 27:
1. Northwest gate: damaged. Andy is checking on welding to fix it but it might need to be replaced. Spring assignment
2. Tree/brush clean up so that have a wood stock supply and no problem with trees falling down. Spring assignment
3. Cabin/Restroom/Washroom: Both clean up both spring and fall.

SEP 2:
4. New Water Line: This will need to be readdressed with Randy Anderson Descendants as the water rights have changed. And the Russ Edgar family now owns the strip of property between personal lots and the ACR property. This water right is for city water and not irrigation or land use. Also, restore water to Bay cabin. May happen for several weekends.
5. Bathroom exterior updates: repair/replace/paint bathroom deck and sides of building. Joan is checking on options. any suggestions?

2022 Anderson family reunion

I hope you have all seen the Anderson family reunion invite on the group Facebook page.
It is Aug 6, 2022 at 10 am at the Cougar Ranch.
Cornhold Tourny, scavenger hunt, crafts, and volleyball.
Along with lunch of pulled pork sandwiches or salad provided.
Don’t forget to bring a side to add to the Lunch!
Note: BROIEW or bring your own items to eat with.
Please RSVP on Facebook or reach out to Annelise, Cindy, or Tara ASAP.
THANKS! and see you there!

2022 Stockholder meeting notice

Hello all: It is that time again. Here is the notice for this year’s Stockholder meeting at Andy’s home in Junction on August 6, 2022 at 9 am.  A email was also sent to all stockholders. The stockholder meeting will also be sent out via WebEx through the links listed in the Stockholder contact list. Please make sure your information is correct.

1. check the stockholder attachment sent to you in a email and make sure your info is correct as this is where voting links will be sent. If you are a family organization, please send Joan a list of email addresses and contact numbers for those who wish to attend the meeting via WebEx other than the family representative for this year.

2. check the stockholder nomination form sent to you in a email as you can nominate officers from July 27 to Aug 3 online at  or by the form attached. Please make your nominations now as they close on Aug 3.

3. check the proxy form attached in the email sent to you and fill it out if it applies and return it to your family representative for this year and to Joan. PLEASE FORWARD to anyone in your family who might need this information.

Thanks all! See you there. Joan