NOTICE: Water Issue at the Cougar Ranch

Family and Stockholders…
Due to an issue with the water entering the Cougar Ranch property, ALL water to the Cougar Ranch had to be turned off until further notice. So if your plans for this upcoming week or so include going to the Cougar Ranch please be advised that the running water is off at the toilets and all the hydrants as well, and make plans accordingly. The issue is being addressed as quickly as possible and the hope is that the water will be back up and running by this weekend. However, as the poet Robert Burns so aptly recorded, and we all have experienced, “the best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men, oft go awry.”
We will keep you updated as the issue is resolved. Any questions feel free to reach out to me at my email or via call or text., 702-818-0782
Clint Anderson

Clinton M Anderson PA-C, MT(ASCP)


This issue is still ongoing.

Dear Family and Shareholders

  Unfortunately the water issue remains unresolved at this time.  The issues are being addressed as soon as possible and we apologize for the inconvenience.  The bathrooms remain functional with manual flushing with water brought from the creek or from the Junction city park.  Drinking water, as usual, should be brought in as the water at the Cougar Ranch is not potable.  We hope to have this issue resolved as soon as possible.  Thanks for your understanding.  Any questions, please feel free to reach out.  My contact info is listed below.  Thanks!!  —

Clinton M Anderson 
